
Rihanna odabrala haljinu kakvu bi se rijetko tko usudio obući, no pravi hit je mini torbica

Piše JL
5. travnja 2019. - 00:13

Rihanna slovi kao velika poznavateljica i ljubiteljia mode. Njezine su kombinacije često neobične i jedinstvene, no uvijek se radi o najnovijim idejama iz radionica najpoznatijih kreatora.

Manje je poznato da zapravo uvelike podržava male, slabije poznate dizajnere, one koji se tek žele izboriti za svoje mjesto u svijetu mode.

U srijedu navečer pjevačicu su paparazzi ulovili kako izlazi s događaja svojeg kozmetičkog brenda Fenty Beauty u Londonu. Odabrala je neobičnu mini haljinu žute kanarinac boje koja je otkrila gola ramena. Uz nju je kombinirala sandale i torbicu u istoj boji. Napuhani rukavi, džepovi na grudima, košulja kroj, sve to skupa daje još atraktivniji, ali i bizarniji dojam.

BGUK_1536114 - London, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - MUST CALL FOR PRICING BEFORE USAGE - Superstar singer and the Barbadian beauty Rihanna leaving her Fenty Beauty Launch in Soho, London at 3.45am. 'RIRI' looked stunning wearing a bright yellow dress with a matching yellow clutch bag and high heels. Rihanna who launched her makeup brand Fenty in 2017 has recently caused some controversy after the brand was forced to pull their latest product ‘Geisha Chic’ from its lineup amidst a backlash after fans accused the brand of glamorizing 'racism'
Pictured: Rhianna
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 424003446, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Profimedia, Backgrid UK

BGUK_1536114 - London, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - MUST CALL FOR PRICING BEFORE USAGE - Superstar singer and the Barbadian beauty Rihanna leaving her Fenty Beauty Launch in Soho, London at 3.45am. 'RIRI' looked stunning wearing a bright yellow dress with a matching yellow clutch bag and high heels. Rihanna who launched her makeup brand Fenty in 2017 has recently caused some controversy after the brand was forced to pull their latest product ‘Geisha Chic’ from its lineup amidst a backlash after fans accused the brand of glamorizing 'racism'
Pictured: Rhianna
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 424003534, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Profimedia, Backgrid UK


No, modni stručnjaci bili su oduševljeni više torbicom nego haljinom. Radi se o dizajnu talijanskog brenda Medea koji su tek prošle godine pokrenule sestre Giulia i Camilla Venturini. Specifičnost ove torbice je što nalikuje papirnatoj vrećici.

BGUK_1536114 - London, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - MUST CALL FOR PRICING BEFORE USAGE - Superstar singer and the Barbadian beauty Rihanna leaving her Fenty Beauty Launch in Soho, London at 3.45am. 'RIRI' looked stunning wearing a bright yellow dress with a matching yellow clutch bag and high heels. Rihanna who launched her makeup brand Fenty in 2017 has recently caused some controversy after the brand was forced to pull their latest product ‘Geisha Chic’ from its lineup amidst a backlash after fans accused the brand of glamorizing 'racism'
Pictured: Rhianna
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 424003506, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Profimedia, Backgrid UK

BGUK_1536114 - London, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - MUST CALL FOR PRICING BEFORE USAGE - Superstar singer and the Barbadian beauty Rihanna leaving her Fenty Beauty Launch in Soho, London at 3.45am. 'RIRI' looked stunning wearing a bright yellow dress with a matching yellow clutch bag and high heels. Rihanna who launched her makeup brand Fenty in 2017 has recently caused some controversy after the brand was forced to pull their latest product ‘Geisha Chic’ from its lineup amidst a backlash after fans accused the brand of glamorizing 'racism'
Pictured: Rhianna
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 424003542, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Profimedia, Backgrid UK

BGUK_1536114 - London, UNITED KINGDOM - *PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* - MUST CALL FOR PRICING BEFORE USAGE - Superstar singer and the Barbadian beauty Rihanna leaving her Fenty Beauty Launch in Soho, London at 3.45am. 'RIRI' looked stunning wearing a bright yellow dress with a matching yellow clutch bag and high heels. Rihanna who launched her makeup brand Fenty in 2017 has recently caused some controversy after the brand was forced to pull their latest product ‘Geisha Chic’ from its lineup amidst a backlash after fans accused the brand of glamorizing 'racism'
Pictured: Rhianna
*UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children
Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 424003501, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Backgrid UK

Profimedia, Backgrid UK


08. siječanj 2025 00:15