
Ovako izgleda čovjek nakon dvodnevnog tuluma s playboyevom zečicom i litrama alkohola...

Piše JL
25. kolovoza 2018. - 19:48

Ben Affleck, 46-godišnja holivudska zvijezda kojoj se raspao brak s Jennifer Garner liječi se od alkoholizma, a ako je suditi po najnovijim fotografijama, ta borba mu i ne ide baš najbolje.

Naime, paparazzi su Afflecka uhvatili u ponedjeljak ispred njegove kuće kako prima narudžbu kartona punog viskija, a iako su neki američki mediji špekulirali da je velika količina alkohola namijenjena njegovoj novoj djevojci, bivšoj playboyevoj zečici  Shauni Sexton, koja je jednom prilikom izjavila da 'može piti viski svaki dan', čini se da je poročni glumac opet posrnuo.

Affleck se već duže vrijeme liječi od alkoholizma, a People piše kako je ipak odlučio ponovno otići na rehabilitaciju, i to po treći put.

- Ben je shvatio da treba pomoć, kazao je glumčev bliski prijatelj, a iako njihova ljubavna priča nije završila sjajno, čini se da ruke od njega nije digla ni bivša supruga Jennifer Garner.

Ona je u srijedu snimljena ispred njegove kuće te je vidno uzrujana pospremila Afflecka u automobil i odvela ga u kliniku za odvikanje u Malibu.

Izvori bliski glumici kažu kako Garner nema problema s vrlo mladim playboyevim modelom, iako zbog toga nije presretna, već s činjenicom da je otac njihove djece opet konstantno pijan.

- Jedino što nju zanima jest da li je u stanju biti roditelj njihove djece, dodao je izvor.

Los Angeles, CA - Actress Jennifer Garner still cares about her ex Ben Affleck! Jen has spent the day over at Ben's house after Ben has reportedly been dealing with substance abuse issues again during his recent fling with young model Shauna Sexton. It appears he has reached out to ex-wife Jennifer garner, though, as the two sped off to check Ben into rehab.
Pictured: Ben Affleck and jennifer garner
BACKGRID USA 22 AUGUST 2018, Image: 383677514, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI


Malibu, CA - Jennifer Garner takes Ben Affleck on a Jack in the Box run before heading to The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu.
Pictured: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner
BACKGRID USA 22 AUGUST 2018, Image: 383676850, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI


Malibu, CA - Jennifer Garner takes Ben Affleck on a Jack in the Box run before heading to The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu.
Pictured: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner
BACKGRID USA 22 AUGUST 2018, Image: 383676819, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI


Brentwood, CA - Actress Jennifer Garner still cares about her ex Ben Affleck! Jen has spent the day over at Ben's house after Ben has reportedly been dealing with substance abuse issues again during his recent fling with young model Shauna Sexton. It appears he has reached out to ex-wife Jennifer garner, though, as the two sped off to check Ben into rehab.
Pictured: Ben Affleck
BACKGRID USA 22 AUGUST 2018, Image: 383676560, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, AKM-GSI

05. listopad 2024 12:28